
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Why no, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express…

My last couple posts make it seem like relationships are all I think about. So this post I decided to write about… relationships.

No. Not a Karma Chameleon
Okay, not what you’re thinking. This is about my relationships with people I both know and those I’ve met for the first time. See, I’m what you call a social chameleon. Nine times out of ten, I can seamlessly blend into any gathering or social group and immediately be able to join in whatever subject or conversation is present. 

A social chameleon is different from a poser (at least that’s what they called them in high school, I don’t know what the kids are calling it these days). A poser fakes their way into groups, usually by pretending to be something they’re not. A social chameleon, on the other hand, actually has an interest or knowledge of whatever group or situation they’re blending into.

I attribute my ability to my vast assortment of interests. I’m a knowledge sponge (though my brain has a bad habit of frequently wringing that sponge). I’m interested in a wide variety of subjects and activities. I can hold my own in an intellectual debate over farming subsidies, discuss recipe ideas, appreciate wine tasting, then sweep the tables at a beer pong tournament later that night. Some people may think I’m just doing things because I want to please them, but I truly enjoy being a Jack of all Trades.

This has helped me a lot in my recent social revival. I’ve been getting out significantly more in the past few years, trying a wide variety of things and discovering I like most of them. Since I can adapt into any setting, it allows me to not only enjoy it more, but feel like I fit in more quickly. A quick glance at my Facebook posts shows the wide variety of friends I’ve gathered and things I post and comment on.

Another advantage is it allows me to view things through other’s perspectives (A lot of disagreements could be solved if each party walked a mile in each other’s shoes, so to speak). I can easily empathize and understand, and am a good conversationalist. I find a lot of people come to me when they need to talk to someone.

About the only disadvantage is that it takes me a little time to sit back and observe everything before I jump in. This can give the appearance that I’m either shy, or not having a good time at first. I can assure you I am, though. I guess it just takes a moment for me to download a new program from the Matrix.

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