
Friday, October 25, 2013


 My Facebook friends have probably noticed that I post random thoughts that I have affectionately dubbed “Aaron-isms”. An aaronism is a saying that randomly pops into my head at any moment, though they appear more frequently on Friday nights or after a few beers. Aaronisms are inspired by many things; a person, the mood I’m in, or a casual observation. Most are intended to be clever, some are cryptic, and some may be an unintentional plagiarizing of an existing quote (I did mention, alcohol, right?). 

I’ve attempted to scour the past year of Facebook in an effort to collect my aaronisms (no easy task considering how difficult it is to go through the archives of even your own home page). Some of them brought a smile to my face, but others made me remember what was going on at the time to make me write them. For additional explanation, leave a comment, but most speak for themselves. As an added bonus, I’ve thrown in some rotten e-cards I’ve created as well. Enjoy! 

Some people surround themselves with idiots so they can feel like the smartest person in the room.

 No sense in continuing to perform if no one's watching the show 

The key to avoiding disappointment: Temper expectations and keep things in perspective. 

Apparently I'm quite the catch. The chase must be quite a thrill too, because everyone releases me immediately after 

When you're the only one rowing the boat, you get stronger, but you also wind up going in circles. 

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice... Oh, wait-a-minute, I see what you did there. 

I would rather get a root canal, while being audited, during a pt test than go through an exit housing inspection…

 If you're asking for directions, then you won't find what you're not looking for.

 It's absolute torture when you care about someone so much, but absolute bliss when you no longer give a damn 

If you discover you're just one of many, should you be upset that you're no longer special or happy you were invited to the party? 

Saying nothing is far more difficult than saying everything 

I'm at the kind of drunk to where I want to say stuff, but am sober enough to know it’s a bad idea

 Being angry is a lot better than being depressed 

Happiness is large rain puddles and an SUV

 It's a lot less miserable being an asshole instead of just an ass 

You know you're old when you are sharing vasectomy stories over beers…

 There are times when you have to put your wants and desires aside and just be a good friend.

 Concentrate on the things you can control, the other pieces will fall where they're supposed to.

 Jack of all trades, Master of Fun 

It's not a problem if you're awesome at it.

 Our paths crossed for a reason, so we need to stick together until we figure out why

 I don't want to end it without knowing the truth, but trying to find out may end it anyway 

I've either figured things out, or am comfortable with the delusions I've created 

 He's good... But, I'm better 

Sometimes I wish I could see the line between perseverance and futility (but sometimes, ignorance is bliss).

 Should you ask the question if you're not sure you want to know the answer? 

I guess I'll just have to accept the fact that I'll think about you every day, for the rest of my life 

I'm willing to bend the rules for something I want. I'm willing to bend space and time for something I need. 

Once you discover something exists, it’s hard to remember what life was like before you discovered it. 

Those unexpected surprises are the most fantastic ones… 

Sometimes in life you get to a point to where you've done as much as you can and it’s time to sit back and see how things play out for a while before you get back in the game. 

I think I'm going to bed early. Though nothing is impossible if you put the effort into it, right now It's easier to change reality in my dreams.

 I try even if there is little chance, because there is no chance if I don't try.

 The best things that happen in life are the things you never plan for.

 (This one isn’t an aaronism, but I had to throw it in) My daughter said she didn't know the answer to a math test question today, so she wrote: " Because, Jesus".

1 comment:

  1. Did you know you can email yourself ALL of your Facebook posts? And your messages? Yep, you can. Makes for interesting reading sometimes. And slightly easier to navigate than the actual webpage.
