
Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Little Things

I told someone how incredible they were the other day. They asked why I would say that? They didn't do anything special. I told them it wasn't anything in particular. It was the little things.

 The little things are what make a difference in life. It's what makes all the difference in the monotony of this modern world. It's the difference between winning and losing. It's the difference in being noticed or not. That one restaurant that you go to instead of the one that's a bit closer. You go there because they give slightly bigger portions. The waiter that remembers your drink earns a bigger tip than the one that just does her job. 

I've spent a lot of time on commercial airplanes and I've noticed that they keep taking away the little things in order to squeeze a little more savings, but I think the negative impressions they leave when they do this far outweigh the cost savings. I'll remember that one airline was stingy with sodas, or that another didn't have blankets anymore even though it was a red-eye. When it comes time to buy a ticket, that's a more deciding factor than price.

The little things are what make life special and set you apart from others. All the door holding, drink getting, and smiles add up in a big way. Sure, there are massive things that you can do, or happen to you, in your life that can make an immediate impact, but in the end it's the little things you notice and remember. 

I recently stayed at a B&B and even though the room was spectacular, I'll remember it for the homemade treats that awaited us in our room, and the custom breakfast we were served because we were the only guests that night.

You don't have to be the worlds greatest artist or be rich and buy things for everyone to leave a positive impression. Spend an extra minute making sure your outfit looks good. Take 5 minutes out of your way to grab some flowers on the way home. Take a friend out to lunch. Offer to carry that heavy box. Those little things will pay dividends in the end.

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